How to manually set incoming inventory using Google spreadsheets


Navigate to Incoming Inventory Settings:

Log in to your Assisty account.
Go to the "Settings" menu.

Generate Google spreadsheet file:

Select "Incoming Inventory" from the options available.
Select the source "Google spreadsheets file" by the select box.
Click the button "Generate now" to get the spreadsheet file
Select the Google Drive account to receive the file, or click Add New if there's no account yet.
Click the button "Generate and share".

generate imcoming inventory sheets

Generate Google spreadsheets file:

Open the speardsheets file, then choose "incoming_inventory" sheet, then enter data for the corresponding columns: product, location, and quantity.
Go back to the setting page, click button "Update Data" to Assisty", the process will take a few minutes.

insert data

Go to report data and see if incoming quantity is updated

report data

Updated on: 11/02/2025

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