Articles on: Prebuilt Reports

Inventory Replenishment for Steady-Moving Product Variants

The Inventory Replenishment for Steady-Moving Product Variants report in Assisty allows you to focus on product variants that have steady sales performance. These variants fall within the sales ranking range of the top 20% to 50%. By analyzing this segment, you can effectively manage inventory replenishment for products that consistently generate sales. Follow the steps below to access and utilize this report effectively.

Step 1: Accessing the Inventory Replenishment for Steady-Moving Product Variants Report

Log in to your Assisty account.
Navigate to the Report Library section.
Select the "Replenishment" category.
Choose the "Inventory Replenishment for Steady-Moving Product Variants" report.

Step 2: Selecting the Date Range

On the report page, locate the date range selection feature.
Click on the date range input field to open the calendar.
Choose the start and end dates that correspond to the time period for which you want to analyze the sales data.
Once you've selected the desired date range, click "Apply" to update the report with the new data.

Step 3: Understanding the Report Metrics

The Inventory Replenishment for Steady-Moving Product Variants report provides important metrics that help you make informed replenishment decisions for steady-selling products. These metrics include:

Average Daily Units Sold: This metric represents the average number of units sold per day for each product variant in the steady-moving segment.
Total Units Sold: This metric shows the total number of units sold for each product variant in the selected time period.
Replenishment Quantity: The suggested quantity to replenish for each product variant based on sales data and current stock levels.
Inventory Value: The total value of the inventory for each product variant in the steady-moving segment.
Retail Value: The estimated retail value of the inventory for each product variant.

Step 4: Analyzing the Report Data

Review the Average Daily Units Sold column to identify the product variants with steady sales performance.
Examine the Total Units Sold column to understand the overall sales performance of each product variant.
Pay attention to the Replenishment Quantity column, which suggests the quantity you should replenish for each product variant to maintain optimal stock levels.
Consider the Inventory Value column to evaluate the value tied up in inventory for each product variant.
Take note of the Retail Value column, which estimates the potential revenue that could be generated from selling the current inventory.

Step 5: Taking Replenishment Action

Based on the report's data, prioritize the product variants that require replenishment due to steady sales and stock levels.
Use the suggested Replenishment Quantity as a guide to determine the quantity to reorder for each product variant.
Initiate the replenishment process by placing orders with suppliers or updating inventory levels in your system.
Monitor the impact of replenishment actions on sales and stock levels to fine-tune your inventory management strategies.

By utilizing the Inventory Replenishment for Steady-Moving Product Variants report, along with the selected date range for analyzing sales history, you can ensure effective replenishment for products with steady sales performance. This enables you to maintain optimal stock levels and meet customer demand consistently.

Updated on: 12/07/2023

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