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Viewing the Detailed Dashboard for a Product Collection

The detailed dashboard for a product collection provides valuable insights into the sales and inventory performance of a specific collection, allowing you to analyze its contribution to your overall business. This guide will walk you through the steps to access and navigate the detailed dashboard, highlighting the key reports and metrics available for analysis. By reviewing the last 30 days sales trends, stock on-hand by vendor, best-selling products, and other metrics, you can make data-driven decisions and optimize your product collection. Let's get started!

Step 1: Accessing the Sales by Product Collection Report

Log in to your Assisty account.
Navigate to the Report Library section.
Look for the "Sales Performance" category or use the search function to find the Sales by Product Collection report.
Click on the report to open it.

Step 2: Exploring the Sales by Product Collection Report

Once the report is opened, you will see a table displaying different product collections and their corresponding sales metrics.
Click on the name of the collection for which you want to view the detailed dashboard.

Step 3: Accessing the Detailed Dashboard for the Collection

In the sales by product collection report, click on the name of the collection to access the interactive menu.
From the menu, click on the link "View Detailed Dashboard of Collection" to open the detailed dashboard specific to that collection.

Step 4: Navigating the Detailed Dashboard

The detailed dashboard for the product collection provides a comprehensive view of its sales and inventory performance. Here are the key reports and metrics available:

Last 30 Days Sales Trends
Visual representation of the collection's sales trends over the past 30 days, allowing you to identify patterns and changes in performance.

Stock on-hand by Vendor
Overview of the collection's inventory levels broken down by vendor, helping you understand the distribution of stock across different suppliers.

Best Selling Products
Identification of the top-selling products within the collection, enabling you to focus on the most popular items driving revenue.

Sales by Location:
Analysis of the collection's sales performance across different store locations or regions, providing insights into geographic trends.

Sales by Channel
Breakdown of sales by different channels, such as web, POS, or wholesale, giving you visibility into the performance of each sales channel.

High Stock Products
Identification of products within the collection that have high inventory levels, helping you manage stock levels and avoid overstocking.

Recent Sold Out Variants
Overview of variants within the collection that have recently sold out, allowing you to identify high-demand products and potential inventory gaps.

Step 5: Analyzing and Utilizing the Dashboard

Review the metrics and insights provided in each section of the detailed collection dashboard to understand its sales and inventory performance.
Identify trends, patterns, and opportunities for growth based on the sales trends, best-selling products, and inventory insights.
Utilize the information to make informed decisions, such as adjusting pricing, optimizing product assortment, or planning promotions for the collection.
Leverage the interactive features of the dashboard, such as filtering or drilling down into specific metrics or products, to further analyze and explore the collection's performance.
Use the insights gained from the detailed collection dashboard to optimize your product collection, improve profitability, and drive overall business success.


The detailed dashboard for a product collection in Assisty provides valuable insights into the sales and inventory performance of a specific collection. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily access and navigate the detailed dashboard, review key sales and inventory metrics, and make data-driven decisions based on the insights gained. Use the detailed collection dashboard to optimize your product assortment, identify growth opportunities, and drive success in your business.

Updated on: 19/07/2023

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