Print Report
Explore how to print your report directly from the Assisty app, allowing you to create physical copies of your reports for offline viewing or sharing with others. Print Report Assisty provides the ability to print your report directly from the app, allowing you to create physical copies of your reports for offline viewing or sharing with others. Follow the steps below to print yoFew readersExporting Data to Excel Format
Discover how to export your report data to Excel format, enabling you to leverage Excel's powerful features for further analysis, visualization, and data manipulation. Assisty provides the capability to export your report data to Excel format, allowing you to leverage Excel's powerful features for further analysis, visualization, and data manipulation. Follow the steps below to export your data in Excel format: While viewing a report, locate the "Export Data" button in the top right corneFew readersExporting Data to Google Spreadsheet
Learn how to export your report data directly to a Google Spreadsheet, allowing for collaborative editing, sharing, and further analysis within the Google Sheets environment. Assisty allows you to export your report data directly to a Google Spreadsheet, providing a seamless integration with the Google Sheets platform for further collaboration and analysis. Follow the steps below to export your data to a Google Spreadsheet: While viewing a report, locate the "Export Data" button in the toFew readersExporting Data to CSV Format
Learn how to export your report data to a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file format, which allows for easy importing and analysis in external tools such as spreadsheets. Assisty allows you to easily export your report data to a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file format, enabling you to analyze and manipulate your data in external tools such as spreadsheets. Follow the steps below to export your data in CSV format: While viewing a report, locate the "Export Data" button in the top right cornFew readersExporting Data to PDF Format
Find out how to export your report data to a Portable Document Format (PDF) file, allowing you to easily share and present your report with others while preserving the formatting. Assisty allows you to export your report data to a Portable Document Format (PDF) file, which provides a convenient and widely supported format for sharing and presenting your reports. Follow the steps below to export your data in PDF format: While viewing a report, locate the "Export Data" button in the top rigFew readersScheduling Automated Data Exports
Find out how to set up automated data exports on a recurring basis, allowing you to receive reports or data files automatically via email or store them in designated locations for easy access. In addition to manually exporting data, Assisty offers a convenient scheduling feature that allows you to automate the export process. With scheduled data exports, you can receive reports or data files automatically via email or store them in designated locations for easy access. This feature saves youFew readers