Articles on: Prebuilt Reports

Low Stock Levels Product

The Low Stock Levels Product report in Assisty provides valuable insights into products with low inventory levels, helping you identify and manage inventory shortages efficiently. This report displays essential metrics such as units sold in the last 90 days, average units sold per day, current inventory quantity, and days of inventory remaining. Follow the steps below to access and utilize this report effectively.

Step 1: Accessing the Low Stock Levels Product Report

Log in to your Assisty account.
Navigate to the Report Library section.
Select the "Inventory Control" category.
Choose the "Low Stock Levels Product" report.

Step 2: Understanding the Report Metrics

The Low Stock Levels Product report presents the following metrics for each product:
Units Sold Last 90 Days: The total number of units sold for the product in the past 90 days.
Average Units Sold per Day: The average daily units sold for the product based on the sales history.
Current Inventory Quantity: The current quantity of inventory available for the product.
Days of Inventory Remaining: The estimated number of days the current inventory will last based on average daily units sold.

Step 3: Applying Filters to the Report Data

By default, the report is filtered to display products with units sold greater than 0 in the last 90 days and a days of inventory remaining less than 7 days.
In addition to the default filters, you can apply additional filters to further refine the report data. The available filters include:
Product: Filter by specific products or search for products by name.
Product Status: Filter by the status of the product, such as "Active," "Archived," or "Draft"
Product Type: Filter by the type of product, such as "Men," "Women", "Kids"
Product Collection: Filter by product collections or categories.
Vendor: Filter by specific vendors.
Store Location: Filter by specific store locations or warehouses.

Step 4: Interacting with the Report Data

Click on any data cell within the report table to reveal a menu of actions.
Use the "Copy Value" action to quickly copy the value of a specific cell, such as the product name or current inventory quantity.
Select the "Filter by This Value" action to filter the report based on the selected value. For example, clicking on a product name will filter the report to show data only for that specific product.
When clicking on the name of a product, additional actions become available:
View Low Stock Levels by Product Variants: Explore the low stock levels for different variants of the selected product.
View Detailed Dashboard: Access a detailed dashboard view specifically for the selected product, providing more comprehensive information and visualizations related to its inventory and sales performance.

Step 5: Analyzing and Acting on the Report Data

Review the units sold, average units sold per day, and days of inventory remaining to identify products with low stock levels.
Focus on products with a low average daily units sold compared to the current inventory quantity, as they may require immediate attention.
Utilize the interactive menu actions to further investigate low stock products, explore their variants, and access detailed dashboards for a comprehensive view.
Based on the insights gained from the report, take appropriate actions such as adjusting reorder quantities, initiating replenishment orders, or implementing marketing strategies to drive sales for low stock products.

Updated on: 12/07/2023

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