Articles on: Customizing a Report

Full Screen Data Table

The Full Screen Data Table feature in Assisty allows you to maximize the visibility and usability of the detailed data table within the report page. By expanding the data table to fill the entire report content space and fixing the header columns, you can easily scroll through and analyze a large amount of data without losing sight of the column labels. Follow the steps below to use the Full Screen Data Table feature:

Locate the Data Table:
Access the report page containing the detailed data table you want to view.

Activate Full Screen Mode:
Look for the small icon (usually represented by a square or maximize symbol) located at the top left corner of the data table.
Click on the icon to activate the Full Screen Data Table mode.

Navigate and Scroll:
Once in Full Screen mode, the data table will expand to occupy the entire available space on the report page.
Use the scroll bar on the right-hand side of the table to navigate through the rows and view more data.

Fixed Header Columns:
The column headers of the data table will remain fixed at the top of the screen, allowing you to reference the column labels while scrolling through the data.

Exit Full Screen Mode:
To exit the Full Screen Data Table mode, locate the same icon you clicked to activate it.
Click on the icon again to return to the normal view of the report page.


By following these steps, you can utilize the Full Screen Data Table feature in Assisty to maximize the visibility and usability of the detailed data table in your reports. This feature provides a convenient way to scroll through and analyze large datasets while keeping the column headers in view.

Updated on: 06/07/2023

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